Jack Scott: This famous full feather wing fly was created by John (Jack) Scott, a Ghillie for several different British Lords in the middle 1800's. In its day it was referred to as "the ultimate triumph in harmony and proportions". The harmony comments on the marvelous way the colors blend together and make a flowing change from head to tail. This fly truly is a thing of beauty.
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Jack Scott (Full Dress Featherwing) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC202SP, Thread- Black single strand nylon floss, Tag- Silver tinsel, Tail- Golden pheasant crest and Indian crow, Butt- Black ostrich herl, Body- Rear half Golden-Yellow floss butted with black herl and veiled top and bottom by six or more toucan feathers- Front half Black floss, Ribbing- Fine oval silver tinsel over golden yellow floss, broader oval silver tinsel over black floss, Hackle- Black palmered over the black floss, Throat- Speckled guinea hen, Wing- A pair of white tipped turkey tail tips (back to back) over these married strands of peacock wing, yellow, scarlet and blue swan, bustard, florican and golden pheasant tail; two strands of peacock sword above; married strips of teal and barred wood duck at the sides; Brown mallard over, Sides- Jungle cock, Cheeks- Blue chatterer topping over all, Horns- Blue and yellow macaw .