Umpqua Cuda Fly

This pattern has tandem hooks and casts the perfect Needlefish profile that Barracuda just love to prey on


Umpqua Cuda Fly
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Umpqua Cuda Fly: The Umpqua Cuda Fly is a variation of the classic Needlefish Pattern created by combining a long thin profile with fluorescent green color and a long pointy snout. This particular fly pattern has a collar just behind the eyes that imitates gill plates extended out, a feature that gives some mass to the head. The tandem hooks are connected with hard wire then threaded through the Mylar tubing body. The trailing stinger hook is two sizes smaller to help eliminate fowling and really helps the fly to track straight when retrieved quickly. Barracuda are fast and the extra trailing hook is good insurance against an occasional miss when the cuda overshoots its intended prey. This fly is best fished as a fleeing prey species moving quickly through the water away from the usually stationary barracuda. Barracuda are so fast that is very unlikely that an angler can move the fly faster than the cuda can attack. Try to move the fly as fast as you can with the sweep of your rod sometime and see what happens. You will be amazed…

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