Hex Cripple Dry Fly
When the Hex Hatch is over and finished this is the pattern that you can use the next morning to catch the stragglers
Hex Cripple Emerger Fly: To experience the hatch of Hexagenia Limbata the Great Olive Winged Drake (or Michigan Caddis) is something to behold. These giant Mayflies almost always hatch very late at night in early summer. Giant browns usually come out of their deep holes and feed furiously on these large mayflies. The next morning without the presence of a hatch you can find cripples which are unable to hatch emergers floating about the water. Trout often continue their feeding on these Hex Cripples a time when this pattern will be incredibly effective. Do not go to fish the Hex Hatch without a few of these. We are currently updating our inventory and not accepting new orders. Please check back at a later date. |