Adams Superfly
This pattern combines the old stand-by Adams color scheme with an extended body profile producing an incredibly fishy looking design
Aerial Assult
This creature resembles many things that trout will rise to eat.
Candy Corn
There is a whole lot going on with this Attractor pattern that all starts with its head
Chernobyl Ant Fly
Hide the kids Honey, here comes the Ant that ate New York
Chernobyl Juicy Bug Dry Fly
This thing has it all, rubber legs, foam body, synthetic hair and a wild profile that excites big trout.
Check out this big fat hopper imitation that is one very effective Attractor Pattern.
This is the foam version of Randall Kaufmanns famous Stimulator Pattern
Green Machine
This is a double foam body Attractor pattern that floats high and dry all day
Hot Legged Hopper Terrestrial Dry Fly
A Dave Whitlock Creation that is a very good imitation of the Natural
Humpy Dry Fly
One of the Top 10 Attractor Patterns of All Time