Peacock Cruiser
What a beautiful pattern, the perfect color scheme for the off colored water of the Amazon and its tributaries.
5 " Pole Dancer- 1/0 Size
This is Charlie Bisharat's latest creation that "Walks the Dog" just like a Zara Spook
5" Alf Ultrabait Fly
The name "Ultrabait" truly fits this marvelous, universal baitfish imitation from Bill and Kate Howe.
5" Blue Back Cut Bait Fly
Made to look like cut bait in a chum slick this pattern is just the ticket for those "chum them up" situations.
5" Cortez Sardina Fly
At 5" long this West Coast Sardine imitation gives off lots of flash with substantial body size, a winner for sure.
5" Green Back Cut Bait Fly
Made to look like cut bait in a chum slick this pattern is just the ticket for those "chum them up" situations.
6" Mexican Flag Fly
With colors of Green, Red and White this 6" baitfish imitation really lights up the water.
6" Queen Fish Fly
This pattern really does resemble a Queen Fish (Scomberoidinae sp.) colored Grey and White and 5" long.
7" Pole Dancer- Size 5/0, Brown/White
In all my years of Fly Fishing I haver never seen so much excitement over a new pattern
7" Pole Dancer- 5/0 Size, Fire Tiger
In all my years of Fly Fishing I have never seen so much excitement over a new pattern