Adult Caddis Patterns

Adult Caddisfly patterns are not as numerous as adult mayfly patterns and certainly not as glamorous. Often treated unfairly as a second class citizen Caddisfly adults are often misunderstood. At the time of emergence caddisflies spend much less time on the surface as mayflies. This however is compensated for by the fact that some caddisfly adults live for weeks and even months after emergence.

Caddisfly imitations are tied in a wide range of hook sizes from 6 to 28, however most patterns run in the 18-12 range of hook sizes. The Goddard Caddis pictured here created by John Goddard is tied to as large as size 10 and as such is considered a useful and productive searching pattern.

The most distinguishing feature of an adult caddisfly is the delta or tent wing construction so apparent on the natural. This wing style is not only easy to recognize in the wild but also easy to imitate in a fly pattern. Elk and deer hair wings are found in many recipes like the Elk Hair Caddis and/or hackle tip wings like in the famous caddis pattern Henryville.

Buck Caddis (Dark color scheme) Pattern Recipe:
Hook TMC100 sizes 8-14, Thread- Orange 6/0, Tail- Natural dark moose body hair, Rib- Working thread orange 6/0, Body- Orange wool yarn, Hackle- Brown palmered over body, Wing- Natural deer body hair.

Bucktail Caddis (Dark/Orange Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook Mustad 7957B sizes 6-14, Thread- Orange 6/0, Tail- Natural dark moose body hair, Rib- Working thread orange 6/0, Body- Orange wool yarn, Hackle- Brown palmered over body, Wing- Natural deer body hair.

Bucktail Caddis (Dark/Yellow Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook Mustad 7957B sizes 6-14, Thread- Yellow 6/0, Tail- Natural dark mottled deer body hair, Body- Golden yellow dyed fur dubbing, Hackle- Golden yellow rooster hackle palmered over body, Wing- Natural dark mottled deer body hair extending slightly past the bend of the hook.

Bucktail Caddis (Light color scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook Mustad 7957B sizes 6-14, Thread- Pale yellow 6/0, Tail- Natural light tan elk body hair, Rib- Working thread orange 6/0, Body- Light yellow fur dubbing, Hackle- Golden yellow rooster palmered over body, Wing- Natural light tan elk body hair.

Bucktail Caddis (Giant Orange Sedge color scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook Mustad 94840 sizes 6-8, Thread- Orange 3/0 Monocord, Body- Bright Orange natural fur dubbing, , Wing- Dark speckled natural deer body hair, Hackle- Dark ginger palmered over body, Head- Brown natural fur dubbing. Pattern Variation: Kevin Toman

Bucktail Caddis (Peacock Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook Mustad 94840 sizes 6-14, Thread- Black 6/0, Body- Peacock herl, Wing- Dark speckled natural deer body hair, Hackle- Brown palmered over body, Head- Peacock herl. Pattern Variation: Kevin Toman

Caddis Variant (Dark Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC921 sizes 12-18, Thread- Black 6/0, Body- Gray Superfine Dubbing, Wings- Fine deer hair color to match hackle, Overwing- White calf body, Hackle- Dyed Grizzly blue dun. Pattern Designer: Chuck Stranahan

Caddis Variant (Dun Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC921 sizes 12-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Body- Caddis green Superfine Dubbing, Wings- Fine deer hair color to match hackle, Overwing- White calf body, Hackle- Dyed golden ginger grizzly and blue dun grizzly mixed. Pattern Designer: Chuck Stranahan

Caddis Variant (Ginger Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC921 sizes 12-18, Thread- Tan or medium brown 6/0, Body- Cinnamon Superfine Dubbing, Wings- Fine deer hair color to match hackle, Overwing- White calf body, Hackle- Golden ginger dyed grizzly. Pattern Designer: Chuck Stranahan

Caddis Variant (Light Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC921 sizes 12-16, Thread- Yellow 6/0, Body- Yellow poly dubbing twisted and wound over shank, Wings- Fine deer hair color to match hackle, Hackle- Grizzly dyed light ginger. Pattern Designer: Chuck Stranahan

CDC Caddis Adult (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook – TMC100 sizes 14-20, Thread- Black 6/0, Abdomen- Black Antron dubbing, Wing- Black CDC feather over black Z-lon, Legs- Black CDC feather, Thorax- Black Antron dubbing.

CDC Caddis Adult (Gray Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook – TMC100 sizes 14-20, Thread- Gray 6/0, Abdomen- Adams gray Superfine dubbing, Wing- Natural dun CDC feather over gray Z-lon, Legs- Natural dun CDC feather, Thorax- Adams gray Superfine dubbing.

CDC Elk Hair Caddis (Dun Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC900BL sizes 12-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Rib- Working thread gray 6/0, Body- Adams gray Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Dark dun CDC palmered over body, Wing- Natural elk body hair.

CDC Caddis Adult (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook – TMC100 sizes 14-20, Thread- Olive 6/0, Abdomen- Olive Superfine dubbing, Wing- Medium dun CDC feather over light dun Z-lon, Legs- Medium dun CDC feather, Thorax- Olive Superfine dubbing.

CDC Caddis Adult (Tan Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook – TMC100 sizes 14-20, Thread- Tan 6/0, Abdomen- Tan Superfine dubbing, Wing- Ginger CDC feather over White Z-lon, Legs- Ginger CDC feather, Thorax- Tan Superfine dubbing.

CDC Elk Hair Caddis (Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC900BL sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Rib- Working thread brown 6/0, Body- Brown Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Brown CDC palmered over body, Wing- Natural dark elk body hair.

Diving Caddis (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Black 6/0, Body- Black Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Black hen hackle fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Dark brown rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Brown Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Dark brown goose wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Light brown rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Brown and Green Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Olive green Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Dark brown goose wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Light brown rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Brown and Orange Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Rusty orange Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Dark brown grouse wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Dark ginger rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Brown and Yellow Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Rusty yellow Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Speckled brown goose wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Light brown rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Dark Gray Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Body- Half Gray half brown Sparkle Yarn blended into dubbing mix, Underwing- Dark gray duck quill fibers frayed apart and rolled into a wing, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Bronze blue dun rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Ginger Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Body- Amber Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Lemon wood duck fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Ginger rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Gray and Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Dark Brown Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Light gray partridge wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Medium brown rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Gray and Green Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Two thirds olive and one-third gray Sparkle Yarn blended into a dubbing mix, Underwing- Dark gray partridge wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Olive brown rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Diving Caddis (Gray and Yellow Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 7957-B sizes 12-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Body- Medium yellow Sparkle Yarn, Underwing- Light gray partridge wing feather fibers, Overwing- Clear Antron yarn fibers, Hackle- Dark blue dun rooster hackle. Pattern Designer Gary LaFontaine

Elk Hair Caddis (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Black 6/0, Rib- Fine copper wire, Body- Black Antron or Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Black palmered over body ,Head- trimmed Elk hair wing tips, Wing- Black or natural dark elk hair.

Elk Hair Caddis (Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-20, Thread- Brown 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Hackle- Brown palmered over body, Body- Natural brown Hare's mask fur dubbing, Head- trimmed Elk hair wing tips, Wing- Light or bleached Elk Hair.

Elk Hair Caddis (Dun Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Rib- Fine copper wire, Hackle- Dun palmered over body, Body- Adams gray Superfine dubbing, Head- trimmed Elk hair wing tips, Wing- Natural light elk hair.

Elk Hair Caddis (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-20, Thread- Olive 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Hackle- Olive grizzly palmered over body, Body- Olive Antron or Superfine dubbing, Head- trimmed Elk hair wing tips, Wing- Natural light elk hair.

Elk Hair Caddis (Tan Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Hackle- Ginger palmered over body, Body- Tan Antron or Superfine dubbing, Head- trimmed Elk hair wing tips, Wing- Natural light elk hair.

Elk Hair Caddis (Yellow Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Yellow 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Hackle- Pale yellow grizzly palmered over body, Body- Yellow Antron or Superfine dubbing, Head- trimmed Elk hair wing tips, Wing- Natural light elk hair.

Fluttering Caddis (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 16-18, Thread- Black 6/0, Body- Black rabbit dubbing, Wing- Black mink tail guard hairs, Hackle- Dark rusty dun wound collar style.

Fluttering Caddis (Blue Dun Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Black 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Body- Gray muskrat dubbing, Wing- Dun hackle fibers, Hackle- Dark rusty dun wound collar style.

Fluttering Caddis (Brown Dun Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Body- Pheasant center tail herl, Wing- Brown spade hackle fibers, Hackle- Brown wound collar style.

Fluttering Caddis (Ginger Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Body- Ginger rabbit dubbing, Wing- Ginger mink tail guard hairs, Hackle- Ginger wound collar style.

Fluttering Caddis (Grizzly Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 12-16, Thread- Black 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Body- Peacock herl, Wing- Grizzly spade hackle fibers, Hackle- Grizzly wound collar style.

Giant Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC109BL size 9, Thread- Dark olive 6/0, Rib- Tan thread 6/0, Body- Natural gray ostrich herl palmered with grizzly hackle, Underwing- Light brown CDC feather, Overwing- Speckled brown Fly Wing No. 9, Hackle- Mixed brown partridge and white hen. Pattern Designer: Ken Shimazaki

Giant Sedge Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC2312 size 6, Thread- Cream 6/0, Body Bleached light elk hair, Rib- Working thread cream 6/0, Wing- Mottled grouse feather, Head- Clipped natural deer hair with some bottom hairs left as long as a normal hackle, Antennae- Wood Duck mallard flank barbs. Pattern Designer: Nori Tashiro

Goddard Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Antennae- Brown hackle stems stripped of all barbs, Hackle- Brown wrapped collar style, Body- Natural gray-tan deer body hair spun and trimmed to shape. Pattern Designer: John Goddard

Goddard Caddis (Dark Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Antennae- Brown hackle stems stripped of all barbs, Hackle- Brown wrapped collar style, Body- Dyed dark brown deer body hair spun and trimmed to shape. Pattern Designer: John Goddard

Goddard Caddis (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 10-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Antennae- Light brown hackle stems stripped of all barbs, Hackle- Brown wrapped collar style, Body- Dyed olive deer body hair spun and trimmed to shape. Pattern Designer: John Goddard

Gray Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC902BL size 12-14, Thread- Dark olive 6/0, Body- Greenish olive natural fur dubbing, Underwing- Dun CDC feather, Overwing- Speckled brown Fly Wing No. 11, Hackle- Grizzly. Pattern Designer: Ken Shimazaki

Hairwing Caddis (Light Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Body- Light tan rabbit dubbing, Wing- Bleached light elk body hair, Hackle- Cream wound collar style.

Hairwing Caddis (Light Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Light olive rabbit dubbing, Wing- Bleached light elk body hair, Hackle- Ginger wound collar style.

Hemingway Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Olive Superfine dubbing palmered with medium dun hackle, Wing- Drake mallard duck quill segments, Underwing- Mallard wood duck flank, Thorax- Peacock herl, Hackle- Medium dun tied collar style.

Henryville Special Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 12-20, Thread- Black 6/0, Rib- Fine gold wire, Ribbing Hackle- Grizzly one size under wing hackle palmered over body, Body- Olive Superfine dubbing, Underwing- Drake wood duck flank fibers, Overwing- Mallard feather section folded over body and cut to tent shape, Hackle- Dark ginger tied collar style.

King’s River Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 8-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Tannish brown rabbit dubbing, Wing- Mottled turkey wing quill tied tent style over body, Hackle – Brown tied collar style. Pattern Designer: Buz Buszek

Mitch’s Sedge Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 8-12, Thread- Black 6/0, Tail- Natural dark elk body hair, Body- Olive natural fur dubbing, Midwing- Natural dark elk body hair, Wing- Natural dark elk body hair, Hackle- Brown wound as collar, Head- Bitts of wing elk hair. Pattern Designer: Arthur Mikulak

Peacock Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100, Thread- Dark brown 6/0, Hackle- Brown and grizzly wrapped as a collar, Wing- Natural Elk hair tied as a hair down wing, Body- Peacock herl.

Quill Wing Caddis (Ginger Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Body- Natural tan fur dubbing with guard hairs, Wing- Light colored turkey feather section tied tent style over body, Hackle- Ginger tied collar style.

Quill Wing Caddis (Gray Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Body- Natural muskrat fur dubbing with guard hairs, Wing- Mallard or teal secondary feather section tied tent style over body, Hackle- Medium blue dun tied collar style.

Quill Wing Caddis (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Peacock herl, Wing- Gray goose primary wing feather section tied tent style over body, Hackle- Dark blue dun tied collar style.

Slow Water Caddis (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC 100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Black 6/0, Body- Black Antron or Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Black palmered over thorax trimmed off underbody, Wings- Black duck quill sections tied in tent fashion with length well past the hook bend.

Slow Water Caddis (Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC 100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Brown 6/0, Body- Brown Antron or Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Brown palmered over thorax trimmed off underbody, Wings- Dark brown duck quill sections tied in tent fashion with length well past the hook bend.

Slow Water Caddis (Ginger Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC 100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Body- Tan Antron or Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Ginger palmered over thorax trimmed off underbody, Wings- Light duck quill sections tied in tent fashion with length well past the hook bend.

Slow Water Caddis (Gray Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC 100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Gray 6/0, Body- Gray Antron or Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Blue dun palmered over thorax trimmed off underbody, Wings- Blue dun colored duck quill sections tied in tent fashion with length well past the hook bend.

Slow Water Caddis (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC 100 sizes 12-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Olive Antron or Superfine dubbing, Hackle- Ginger palmered over thorax trimmed off underbody, Wings- Dark ginger duck quill sections tied in tent fashion with length well past the hook bend.

Spent Partridge Caddis Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 16-22, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Natural olive fur dubbing, Wing- Mottled partridge feather fibers, Hackle- Brown rooster palmered over thorax, Head- Peacock herl. Pattern Designers: Mike and Sheralee Lawson

Spent Partridge Caddis (Peacock Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Peacock herl, Wing- Brown speckled partridge feather fibers, Hackle- Grizzly and Brown rooster mixed and palmered over thorax and trimmed at bottom, Head Peacock herl. Pattern Designers: Mike and Sheralee Lawson

Spent Partridge Caddis (Tan Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-18, Thread- Olive 6/0, Body- Natural tan rabbit fur dubbing, Wing- Mottled partridge feather fibers, Hackle- Grizzly and Brown rooster mixed and palmered over thorax, Head- Peacock herl. Pattern Designers: Mike and Sheralee Lawson

Thompson Foam Caddis (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-28, Thread- Black 6/0, Back- Ethafoam packing material colored black with permanent marker, Half Wing- Natural mink hairs tied in at hook bend, Body- Natural black fur dubbing. Pattern Designer: Ken Thompson

Thompson Foam Caddis (Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-28, Thread- Brown 6/0, Back- Ethafoam packing material colored brown with permanent marker, Half Wing- Natural mink hairs tied in at hook bend, Body- Natural brown fur dubbing. Pattern Designer: Ken Thompson

Thompson Foam Caddis (Gray Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-28, Thread- Gray 6/0, Back- Ethafoam packing material colored gray with permanent marker, Half Wing- Natural mink hairs tied in at hook bend, Body- Natural gray fur dubbing. Pattern Designer: Ken Thompson

Thompson Foam Caddis (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-28, Thread- Olive 6/0, Back- Ethafoam packing material colored olive with permanent marker, Half Wing- Natural mink hairs tied in at hook bend, Body- Natural olive fur dubbing. Pattern Designer: Ken Thompson

Thompson Foam Caddis (Tan Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook- Mustad 94840 sizes 14-28, Thread- Tan 6/0, Back- Ethafoam packing material colored tan with permanent marker, Half Wing- Natural mink hairs tied in at hook bend, Body- Natural tan fur dubbing. Pattern Designer: Ken Thompson

X-Caddis (Black Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Black 8/0 Nylon, Tail- Pale yellow or amber Z-lon, Body- Grayish black Antron yarn, Wing- Natural dark deer body hair. Pattern Designers: John Juracek and Craig Mathews

X-Caddis (Brown Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Tail- Pale yellow or amber Z-lon, Body- Tan Antron yarn, Wing- Natural tan deer body hair. Pattern Designers: John Juracek and Craig Mathews

X-Caddis (Gray Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Gray 8/0 Nylon, Tail- Pale yellow or amber Z-lon, Body- Gray Antron yarn, Wing- Natural gray deer body hair. Pattern Designers: John Juracek and Craig Mathews

X-Caddis (Olive Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Olive 8/0 Nylon, Tail- Pale yellow or amber Z-lon, Body- Olive Antron yarn, Wing- Natural dark deer hair. Pattern Designers: John Juracek and Craig Mathews

X-Caddis (Tan Color Scheme) Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC100 sizes 14-18, Thread- Tan 6/0, Tail- Pale yellow or amber Z-lon, Body- Tan Antron yarn, Wing- Natural tan deer hair. Pattern Designers: John Juracek and Craig Mathews